Thursday, October 14, 2010

To set the record straight.

This blog is not to be funny, I don't have anything comical to say.
This blog is to set the record straight.

For those of you who think I'm a good person,
I'm not. I'm a shitty person. I take everything good that is given to me and break it, just because.
If people love me, I make them prove it by testing them in the worst ways. And I get upset when they can't handle me anymore, because I've hurt them too much.

I tell myself that in time I'll be a better person. But it never works out.

I don't know why. Maybe its because I've been hurt by my family too much, and I don't know how to be a good person?
But is that an excuse?
Of course not.

So, I am sorry. For those of you that are my friend, I am sorry.
To Kathleen, Gracie, and Molly.
Thank you for being there for me, I dont deserve your friendship and I am continuously shocked that you want me for a friend.
To Dylan.
I've said all that I can, and I'm sorry. I hope we can be friends eventually, even though I don't deserve your friendship, and I haven't even deserved your love for all of these years.
I'm so sorry.
To All of those El Segundians that hate me.
Even if your reason isnt too great, I'm sorry that I've insulted you all so many times. You don't deserve it.

But mostly I'm sorry to Dylan. If he even reads this. I'm making it public, so hopefully he'll realize I value his opinion over the general publics'.
I'm an awful person. I don't deserve anyones' "Its going to get better"s or their "You dont deserve this"s. Because I do. I'm officially at rock bottom, and I'm miserable.

So if you hate me and have been dying to point at me, call me a whore, and laugh, now is the time. I have nothing to defend myself with.

Friday, August 27, 2010


I really hope that you know how much I hate serious blogs.
They usually end up sounding pretentious, or pathetic, or just plain REALLY FUCKING BORING.
And I don't want my blog to be like that.
I'm sitting on the brown leather couch in my living room, wearing my navy blue romper with legs and gold buttons, and my copper wedges that I bought just to go with it, and I just finished watching 500 Days of Summer.
I'm not really sure if I liked all of it or not.
I loved the guy, and I wish i was as strong as Summer, but it made me sad.
For more than one reason.
I shall list the reasons right now.
1. Guys like that, do not exist.
What a sad fact it is.
But I have a boyfriend whom I am very in love with,
and I really doubt that he thinks of me as his true love.
Even if sometimes I think he could be mine.
2. If they do exist, why do they have to fall in love
with girls too strong to fall in love with them?
So it was only two reasons, but I thought I had more to begin with.
This blog really isnt about that movie though, its really about love.
What if there are certain people that only fall in love once, early in their life?
What if there are certain people who never fall in love at all?
What if there are certain people who MISS their opportunity of falling in love?

That's gotta be a good 75% of the population.
I don't even know what I'm trying to say here.
I guess I'm just freaking out because I think I'm going to die alone, unloved, my only happiness being the love that I am currently in.
And that love will most definitely be lost, because of college, and life, and whatnot.
What if I never find it again? Not with Dylan, or anyone?
But what if that's what I deserve?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My kidden.

I have a kidden. Her name is Bananas.

She is that fattest monster of a cat that anyone will ever see ever.


She just lays there all day, like a sack of purring strawberries, being all cute and lovely and stuff with her little paws and her little face and her little eyes and she just stretched aaawwwwwwww.

I fucking love my cat.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Evil Kittens.

A few days ago, after walking Dylan home, I was strolling along PCH with my stylin' new coat on, when I saw a little lump on the sidewalk.

(When I saw said lump, I was by the windmill across from McDonalds.)

Upon moving closer, the little lump meowed and ran away from me!
Well I was stunned. I mean I really hate humans, but I really adore cute little fuzzy aminals like kittens, snakes, fancy Russian dwarf hamsters, and the like.
Of course my maternal instincts kicked in. Ew.
I saw where the kitty had run,

[Oh, and Btdubbs. This wasn't a huge old fat cat, he seemed to be about a month old]

and I followed him. He was meowing really fucking loud, like he was dying or something. But, as soon as I walked towards him, he ran away. Little bitch. I told him to stay, and went into Ralphs
(conveniently placed a few short steps away) and purchased some kitty tuna for liiiike 78 cents. Good pricing, since I only had a dollar.
I returned to Bitchy Kitty, and offered him the tuna. He ran away again.
Stupid fucker.
It was by this point that i really wanted to just save this fucking cat so I could go home, because it was twelve in the morning.
But kitty couldn't go easy on me. So he ran into a huge bush. A fucking BUSH. After trying to coax him out for about thirty minutes, a taxi driver pulled up and offered me a ride home. I said no, since I had no money and was trying to save this kitten. (sounds heroic, I know.) The nice man said that money was slow this time of night, so he'd love t0 help me find the kitten. (he was a great dude.)
Taxi dude found me a large stick, i put tuna on it, and we tried to get kitty out for another fucking hour. At 1:30 in the morning he had to go pick up a client, so I was left to fend for myself. He was nice though. Kitty ran even farther away into a sidestreet.

I was so fucking fed up by now.

I just sprinted towards this little spit fuck, making him run faster away.
I gave up.
I started to cross the street, got whistled at, screamed Exorcist style at the whistler, and heard (of course) little Cunt Kitty's meow.
I went back across the street to try one last time.
It was now around 2 o'clock in the FUCKING morning.
Another taxi driver man pulled up (driving a Prius taxi to my surprise) and offered me a ride home. I told him about the evil cat. he tried to help me, but when we finally got the kitty cornered, he hissed at me and bit me. Stupid little fucking piece of shit.
I really gave up.
Prius taxi guy offered to give me a free ride home.
I (gratefully) accepted.
He drove me home, gave me his cards, we shook hands, I found out his name is Fred (the color of a winner, I hope you noticed) and I went inside my apartment.
Exhausted, beaten, scratched, and really pissed off, I realized I had left my new pretty blue flats inside of Fred's car.
I called him, and he had my shoes so he drove them back to me.
And wouldn't let me give him any money.
Such a cool dude.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Superheroes and Roller Coasters.

I don't like....

Making daily updates, but today was a fantastic day, so I'm letting you all know.
all five of you.
Today I went to Six Flags with one of my best friends, Kathleen Yates. We enjoyed the usual insane roller coasters, waaaaayyyy too expensive food, etc.
{which is funny because there is a restaurant called Food Etc. in Six Flags}
And we saw superheroes.
Batman and the black Green Lantern, to be exact.
Needless to say, we took pictures with them. Batman had this hilarious like pouty face thing goin' on, but the Green Lantern shook our hands, like a gentleman.
The green lantern was really hot.
He complimented my handshake on its firmness.
It is quite firm.
But I definitely pride myself in my handshake, so he won like 50 Winner points.
(from now on, expect any and all Winner points to be orange.)
Kathleen and I rode like seven roller coasters in 6 hours. Pret-ty impressive.
And we found a lot of ugly and creepy people at Six Flags.
Then her brother Sean (notice his name is orange, the color of a winner) picked us up and drove us home and whatever.

I know this whole blog is pointless, I just really wanted to share my handshake story.

Oh by the way. Fucking X2 broke me. That roller coaster is insane.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Okay. So tonight, at my lovely friend Ariella's house, I watched the movie Rosemary's Baby.


I mean really? Her fucking husband lets this satanist dude rape her in her sleep, but only after the husband himself is the biggest asshole ever to his gorgeous wife. THEN HE SELLS HER FUCKING BABY TO SATANISTS SO HE CAN BE FAMOUS.


That is SO not okay. So then pretty lady chops off all her hair, looks sickly for a good portion of the movie, throws young people parties, and lets her husband call her friends a bitch for giving her good advice.
She just waltzes into the little Narnia she finds in the closet, accepts tea from that Minnie lady, DOESN'T throw nice Minnie lady's porcelain glass on the floor, and rocks her Satan baby to a peaceful slumber.

Quality flick, eh?

And to be quite frank, I really don't care if pretty short hair lady gets one THOUSAND Oscars and is super famous for that movie. I hated it.
Just because a movie is "one of the best critically acclaimed movies to grace the planet" doesn't mean I have to like it. Because I didn't.
I am NEVER one to play feminist, but short hair lady just fucking freaks out the whole movie, doesn't take control of her own fucking prengnancy, and lets all these old guys push her around!


I fucking hated that movie.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bullshit in black and white.

I stumbled upon this. Everything is exactly what it said until I come in. Yay for intrusion!

Her: I like someone
Him: Who?
Her: Wait wait, I love someone.
Him: Can you tell me who?
Her: Yeah, but you can't laugh.
Him: Okay, I won't. Just tell me.
Her: It starts with "y", and ends with "u"
Him: I like that person too.
Me: Go fuck yourselves, you're both going to die alone anyway.
Her: Who are you?!
Me: I'm god.
Him: No you're not, God's a dude.
Me: So now you're sexist? Great. You're not only lying to this pathetic girl, but you're sexist as well. Great.
Her: He is neither! I love him and he loves me.
Him: .....yeah.
Me: Well. *awkward cough* there you go.