Thursday, October 14, 2010

To set the record straight.

This blog is not to be funny, I don't have anything comical to say.
This blog is to set the record straight.

For those of you who think I'm a good person,
I'm not. I'm a shitty person. I take everything good that is given to me and break it, just because.
If people love me, I make them prove it by testing them in the worst ways. And I get upset when they can't handle me anymore, because I've hurt them too much.

I tell myself that in time I'll be a better person. But it never works out.

I don't know why. Maybe its because I've been hurt by my family too much, and I don't know how to be a good person?
But is that an excuse?
Of course not.

So, I am sorry. For those of you that are my friend, I am sorry.
To Kathleen, Gracie, and Molly.
Thank you for being there for me, I dont deserve your friendship and I am continuously shocked that you want me for a friend.
To Dylan.
I've said all that I can, and I'm sorry. I hope we can be friends eventually, even though I don't deserve your friendship, and I haven't even deserved your love for all of these years.
I'm so sorry.
To All of those El Segundians that hate me.
Even if your reason isnt too great, I'm sorry that I've insulted you all so many times. You don't deserve it.

But mostly I'm sorry to Dylan. If he even reads this. I'm making it public, so hopefully he'll realize I value his opinion over the general publics'.
I'm an awful person. I don't deserve anyones' "Its going to get better"s or their "You dont deserve this"s. Because I do. I'm officially at rock bottom, and I'm miserable.

So if you hate me and have been dying to point at me, call me a whore, and laugh, now is the time. I have nothing to defend myself with.

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