Monday, July 26, 2010

Three Wishes.

Everyone knows about the genie in the bottle thing. But what would you actually wish for if you were blessed with this blue guy who gives you three of whatever you want?

Let's set up some ground rules, crediting Disney's Aladdin.
In case you grew up underground or don't have ears or eyes so you've never seen it, I'll just remind you of the rules:

1. No dead people back to life. Sorry Elvis, just keep eating those fried sandwich things.
2. No making people fall in love with you. (don't worry Bieber, I can win you on my own...)
3. No killing people. Its okay, I'll kill them on my own.


This is what I'd wish for.

1. Ten million dollars.
I really need the money.
10 million would take care of not only everything
I'd ever need, but the rest of my family with tons leftover
for charities, every lacy bra ever, and a tiger (at the least) for me.

2. A never expiring pass to Disneyland/CA Adventure.
I absolutely fucking adore the Disneyland Parks.
Like seriously, I would go there everyday
Just to talk to new people and sit at the tables and watch
the day go by. Its so nice there, and just walking through
the gates is just the happiest place ever.
Not to gush or anything.

3. The ability to read people into and out of books.
If you don't know me, then this will come as a surprise.
I fucking love the Harry Potter books.
With all of my heart.
And not just those, but really good books in general.
One of the times I cried hardest in my life was
when Dumbledore died in the 6th book.
It goes without saying, I just wanna talk to these people.
And force them to be my best friends.

I thought really hard about these answers.
Really hard.
So all 5 of you that follow this blog currently, what would you wish for?
A pony?
A unicorn?
Dead monkeys?


By the way, I fucking hate Justin Bieber. I was kidding. He can die alone. In a pit of ravenous sea turtles.


  1. 1. a super fabulous rangey singing voice that could alternate between belty musical theater stuff and operatic soprano jazz whenever I wanted it to
    2. 10 million dollars (ditto pretty much what you said, to add: paying for college)
    3. some kind of guarantee that I will be able to support myself doing musical theater. and a tony award. is that 4 wishes?

  2. lol its okay ill accept it, just this time.

  3. this requires more thought than what I can give you at this moment... I'll get back to you.

  4. YES! Wasn't this my idea? hahahah i can't remember.... i was talking to someone about what they would wish for if they had 3 wishes and i think it was you and you said that you were gonna blog about it but then i went to sleep..... right? hahaha :))

    (this is gracie btw idk how to like comment cuz i dont have a blog but yeah i just did AIM idk haha)
